The Karnataka BJP and the Congress have been mending their opinions and faith of victory over the RR Nagar and Sira By-Polls. On one side the BJP leaders have been giving statements as the victory is almost fixed on the other side the Congress leaders have been saying as the dreams of BJP are going to fail.
Today the CM B S Yadiyurappa and the Ex CM Siddramaiah have mended their opinions over the reviews of the elections.
On one side of the Shivmogga the CM B S Yadiyurappa said the BJP candidates are about to gain the victory at both the by-polls and even the election review says the same. He added at the RR Nagar the candidate will be leading with more than 40,000 votes and at the Sira the candidate will lead more than 25,000 votes. The voters are supporting BJP over the developmental works taken place by the govt.
On the other side the opposition leader Siddramaiah said for 4 days have conducted the promotion campaign at both RR Nagar and the Sira. The reviews will go reverse and the Congress candidates will be gaining the victory. He added as the voters are in support of Congress.
He further gave a shock saying as per my information after the Bihar elections the state CM will be changed. The corruption at the period of Yadiyurappa.