In the presidency of Dr. Allamaprabhu Swamiji of Rudrakshimath, Nagnur celebration of Teacher’s Day was organized on Saturday. The chief guest of the event and the elites spoke by the time and perceived the importance of the day, role of teachers, and the qualities of an ideal and the ideals of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan.
Chief Guest Prof. C G Mathapati spoke by the tie and said values are very essential for an ideal teacher and that is why Dr. Radhakrishnan and Vivekanand stand as great ideals for us. The retired prof. of KLE Pharmacy College and director of Siddrameshwar Education Trust Dr. F V Manvi spoke by the time and said teaching profession should remain ideal, it must uphold its chastity, a teacher must have three essential qualities those are temperament, skills and knowledge.
Prof Sidramappa Itti spoke about the fruitful way of teaching profession. Dr. Allamaprabhu who held the presidency spoke by the time and said the role of the teachers who taught alphabets and of those who opened the doors of mysticism is very important. One must introspect and respect the teachers Prof. Manjunath Sharanappa, Dr. Rajendra Galagali and others were present by the moment.
Aishwarya Chonnad recited a prayer and prof. Vivekanad Khot gave a vote of thanks.