Yesterday a huge protest by the relatives of the dead patient Yallappa Jadhav resident of Angol Belagavi, has took place against the irresponsibility of the doctors and hospital staff of Moon Hospital (Covid center) situated at Laxmi avenue, Tilakwadi, Belagavi.
The protesters reported the irresponsibility of the doctors about the efficiency of the oxygen has been the reason for the death of the patient. The protesters when forced the doctors to provide them the reports and CCTV footage the doctors didn’t respond properly to them which became the reason of severe rage the protesters lobbed stones at the glasses of the hospital in order of outputting their anger.
Today the victims who have faced the similar issues have united at the DC office Belagavi, and are protesting for the justice and to look after the misleading of the hospital.
By the time one of the victims spoke to the Medias and reported about the misleading of the hospital, he reported about the bills and prescriptions being issued on the rough the victim reported of two bills issued to him after the death of his mother.
The relative of Yallappa Jadhav said that he has registered the case against the hospital and has mentioned the negligence of the doctors in providing the CCTV footage in the complaint, he reported as many misleading are taking place in the hospital and pleaded in regards the police must investigate and take strict actions.
The advocate Sunil Kakatkar spoke to the medias gave the complete reports of the incident, he reported the hospital undertook the patient on Sunday under the expenses of 15000/day for the oxygen facilitated bed, the officials of the hospital informed to deposit 1,00,000 rs in which the relatives deposited 35,000 instantly and assured of paying the dues. The doctors informed the patient’s recovery at initial stage but later on Monday they informed the relatives about the death. When the relatives reached the hospital it has come to their notice that the efficiency of the oxygen is the reason behind the death caused.
For now the memo has been issued and the victims are waiting for the action and justice. The victims are pleading as such must not be repeated.