The Anantshayan Galli of Belagavi has many shops in the surroundings is a spot of too many street vendors as well. The area had only 1 public toilet which has been demolished 2 days back. The local vendors have come out to the streets to protest for the reconstruction of the urinals and appealed the corporation officers.
Speaking by the time Adv. Dashvant Patil said, there are hundreds of vendors running business in the locality and more than 1000 consumers visit the area. 2-3 days back the public urinals at the area has been demolished he appealed as the incident has been brought into the notice of Dist. Administration and the Corporation as well so the reconstruction must be done within 2 days to facilitate the locals.
Speaking by the time a consumer said it is an irresponsible act to demolish the public toilet so the Dist. administration and the corporation must justify their mistake or else the vendors will surely hold a protest.
In total the public are now set to protest for a public toilet and are asking a question as whether Smart City means a city without public toilet.