
Personal “Hygienic Kit” Distributed to In-patients of District Hospital


With an intention to maintain body hygienic, the government has decided to issue “hygienic kits” to every patient admit to government hospital for treatment as an in-patient. Starting from Belagavi, the government issued the kits to every in-patient from Friday.

Belagavi North BJP MLA Anil Benake and Regional Commissioner Adhitya Biswas who is also the administrator of District Hospital flagged-off the project by distributing the kits.

MLA Benake said “The district hospital has developed now, it has machinaries like x-ray, CT Scan, Ultra Sound which functioning round-the-clock. People instead spending money at private hospital utlise the government facilities which s being given in very less amount.”

Patients and their attenders are being taught about the usage of the items in the kit and also its disposal method.
