
An oppose shown by Karave Shivaramegouda group – Belagavi


Thursday at Piranwadi of Belagavi the naming of an area as Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Circle has taken place the area consists the statue of Sangolli Rayanna. And this act of naming is being opposed by the dist. president of Karave Shivaramegouda group, Vajid Herekodi.

The  Marathas have named the area as Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Circle, on this account Vajid Herekodi expressed his anger and said, the complete road form 3rd gate till Piranwadi should be named under the name Sangolli Rayanna and the name plate of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj should be withdrawn or else this will lead to an huge protest.

Totally the dispute doesn’t seem to be resolved yet and till where this will end must look forward to it.
