
BJP ‘Pickpockets” the Middle Class by Increasing Rate of Essential Commodities : MBP


Congress leader MB Patil said the BJP led NDA government by hiking the rate of all essential commodities has ‘pick pocketed the middle class’ of the nation.

Speaking to news person at Belagavi on Monday, replying to the question of Ministers Govind Karjol who had claimed the state and the central governments were doing good and asked what the Congress has done to the nation in its 60 year of rule, Patil the former minister said let the former tell first who have built reservoirs like Tungabadra, Hidkal, national and state highways, what were done during the Five Year plans. “He speaks without sence, just react whatever comes to his mind.”

He asked Karjol should tell what the NDA government done in seven years, how many were given employment, how much new jobs were generated. He added the Prime Minister Narendra Modi had assured of employing 2 crore youths a year, it should now 14 crore, instead employing he made 14 crore people to lose their job.

He said each unit of domestic gas cylinder was supplied at the rate of Rs 360 at the last days of Congress led UPA-2 government and petrol per liter was between Rs 60 to Rs 60, now Karjol should tell the latest rate of a unit. He added that per unit of gas cylinder was costing Rs 980 and petrol of Rs 105.

He said “The BJP by increasing the rate of essential commodities has ‘Pick Pocketed’ the middle-class including you the journalists who feel heat while fueling to your vehicles”.
