Deputy Commissioner Mahantesh Hiremath spent a day with the inmates of ‘Shantayi Vrudhashram,’ the Home of Aged at Bammanwadi in Belagavi taluk on Monday.
The officer with his wife Tanuja visited the home and donated the shawls he was presented on many occasions. His wife, with other cooks cooked ‘Hoologe,’ the sweet chapati, at the kitchen and served the inmates and has their lunch with them. The center had arrenged a small get together for the couple.
The Vrudhashram run by former Belagavi mayor Viay More, housed and looking after about a hundred aged people. Both the couple discussed with the inmates of the home. More said the home was being run totally on the public donations and also explained its functioning method.
The deputy commissioner couple said they were glad to spend the time with the elder people and that was their ever memorable time in their life.