For three director seats of the DCC Bank a voting process at B K Model School of Belagavi has started since 9 am of this Friday. The DCM Laxman Savadi, MP Annasaheb Jolle Chief Wipe Mahantesh Kavatgimath and many other leaders have arrived to the town at the same backgrounds.
The Congress candidate Anjali Nimbalkar as well as the Arvind Patil that is being supported by the BJP as well arrived to the voting booth.
As per the prohibition from the entrance inside the booth the DCM that has been unanimously elected as a director of the Bank stood outside the entrance and examined the situations.
Speaking at the time the DCM said as out of 16 director seats 13 have been unanimously elected and only of three seats the election is being conducted. There isn’t anything curious about the election the voters are clever enough. The Congress MLA of Khanapur has come down for competition and the Ex MLA Arvind Patil as well has competed. To empower the politics the DCC bank has been supportive. I have been the director of the bank since 30 years. The BJP is supporting Arvind Patil and soon he will be joining BJP. He already has met the CM and he too has shown his consensus.
Speaking next to him Arvind Patil said I haven’t carried anyone to resort, I have requested the voters to vote and has worked as a MLA now let’s see how many people will vote with faith one me.
In total a great tussle has started for the election of the Khanapur Bailhongal and Ramdurga director post.