Getting cured with the qualitative treatment at the Covid center informs Woman and Child Development Minister.


Informing to the medias from the Govt. Covid Care Center the Woman and Child Development Minister Shashikala Jolle said, it has been 20 days I have been admitted to the covid care center at CBSC premises she said a better quality treatment is being provide to her family and the other patients admitted over the center. She expressed her hope of getting cure soon and returning home healthy by the blessings of all.

She further said as she has seen many patients getting cured from the center and paying respect to the doctors by touching their feet while returning home. She further said people must not get afraid of the disease it can be cured and the doctors are putting so much efforts to save the patients.

Finally she appreciated all the doctors and the staff of the covid center at CBSC premises who are putting so much effort days and nights to save the patients. She assured as soon she will be returning for the service of the public healthy.
