The BJP leader Vijugouda Patil has crossed over the Ex Minister of Babaleshwar M B Patil with a press-meet against him.
The uplifting of the Bableshwar town panchayat to the village pachayat has got approval at the cabinet meeting that I appealed to the CM. The distributing of the pamphlets saying we have done it of Congress MLA is really shameful said the BJP leader against the Congress MLA M B Patil. He further added a question as the work which wasn’t done whilst he has been minister is ti possible to happen whilst the BJP?
The file number itself is wrong in the pamphlets being distributed by the MLA saying as I have appealed the BJP MLA regarding the uplifting. Is it possible from those who don’t even know the stats of the file? What has happened to the MLA to get the work done whilst his govt. that is now saying as it happened due to my efforts saying these these entire BJP leader took the Congress MLA into charge. He said the Congress MLA should drop the idea of diverting the people by saying lies and even gaining publicity by saying as the developmental works by the central govt. are done by him.
Speaking further about the news of BJP making the M B Patil join the party he said I don’t believe as those who broke the religion and threw slippers on the religious heads will be added to the party.
Speaking about the flood at the Vijaypur dist. he said about this the instructions have been given to the Dist. Administration to look after the flood control and to sanction the reliefs soon possible.