National Legal Service Authority, Dist. Legal Service Authority and Taluk Legal Service Authority have organized an Online Lok Adalat program on September 19 informed the Senior Civil Judge and Secretary of Dist. Legal Service Authority Vijay Devraj Aras.
He said online Lok Aadalat will commence on 19th of the September for the purpose of intercession of the cases registered under the 138th column. All the cases which can be easily negotiated like family and alimony cases will be discussed.
The Lok Adalat has been introduced with the purpose of free and quick solutions for the victims, and now the E- Lok Adalat is being introduced because of the problems being faced by the people amid corona. The clients and lawyers should submit the details of their cases along with the WhatsApp, E-mails, and mobile numbers to the related court or to the Dist. Legal Service Authority, the intercession will be held through video conference.
The conference will be recorded, the realism of the client will be verified, the presence of the client isn’t necessary for the conference. In total the clients are informed to register their cases and get the benefits of the service being provided.