The countdown for the by-polls has started for the two major constituencies that are RR Nagar and Sira. The three major parties are trying their level best to attract the voters towards them. whilst the seniors of the opposition of the parties like Devegouda, Ex CM Siddramaiah, D K Shivkumar, Ex CM Kumarswamy and others are participating in the promotion of their parties the CM hasn’t been noticed in any of the promotions.
Now the CM has entered the promotion his party at the Sira and speaking by the time he said I wasn’t willing to participate in the promotion but whilst all the leaders of the other parties are here for promotion it will be a mistake if being a CM I won’t promote my party. So today have joined the promotion today.
Speaking about the cabinet expansion by the time the CM said the by-polls must get completed for now we are busy at the elections. After the elections will be heading to Delhi and there after the discussion with the high-command will be deciding the expansion of the cabinet. He said major changes are about to take place. He expressed his faith of winning in both the constituency and said the Congress will ashamed of our victory.