
No Extension of School Summer Vacation


New Delhi : The Central government on Thursday instructed the states not to extend the school summer vacation and issues a few guidelines to protect the children from the heat. Many states, including Karnataka had proposed to extend the summer vacation for about two weeks due to growing mercury.

The central government instructed not to make uniform compulsory and if necessary change the fabric of the uniform to keep cool the children.

Instead extending the vacation change the timing of the school commencing from 7 in the morning and windup before 1 or 2 O’clock in the afternoon. Reduce the field activities, store sufficient ORS snd Glucose, pure filter drinking water, canvass shoe instead leather shoes.

The fresh school academic in Karnataka is scheduled from May 16, instead June 1. Many including former Education minister, Chairman of Karnataka Legislative Council Basavaraj Horatti had appealed the state government to extend the vacation over growing mercury to protect the children from heat.
