At the Eid Milad celebrated on behalf of the Birth anniversary of the Prophet Mohammed Paigambar should be celebrated according to the guidelines of the govt. in a very simple manner. There won’t be allowance for any procession by the time said the ACP Chandrappa at the same time.
One of the main festival celebrated by the Muslim Community the Eid Milad is about to be celebrated on 30th of this October. The Central and the State Govt. have issued guidelines at the backgrounds of the Covid-19. So at the meeting with the leaders of the Muslim Communities was called by the Market ACP at his office. There the Azim Pattegar and some other leaders said as we have been celebrating the Eid Milad very grandly, but this time at the backgrounds of the pandemic will be celebrating the Eid in a simple manner. They appealed for the hoisting of the community flag at the Fort road and to held procession with the very least number of members.
The ACP replied as we are instructing you forcibly the govt. has issued the guidelines for the good will of the public so celebrate the festival in a simple manner at the Darghas and Masjids but the allowance for the procession won’t be given. He said will be forwarding your demands to the Commissioner.