
Party’s decision will be received as God’s boon – Sanjay Patil.


Amid the seat vacant after the premature death of the Union Railway Minister the curiosities of who will be the next Loksabha Member of the Belagavi has been raised. Meanwhile the voice to make the Ex MLA Sanjay Patil as the next BJP candidate is being heard in the social medias.

Reacting to this the Ex MLA Snajay Patil spoke to the medias and said not even 15 days have passed of the death of the Union Minister Suresh Angadi and the discussions of the elections haven’t took place in such situation. Speaking or discussing about it won’t be apt while the family is in deep sorrow. Only in the medias the discussion is taking place but not in the people.

He further added as none of the BJP leader or member is opposed to giving ticket to the family member of late minister, and reacting to the media’s question as what if the high command gives you ticket he said he will be receiving it as the boon of the god.

In total the seat vacant after the premature death of the union minister has raised severe curiosity as whether the party will be opting the family member or the any new face.
