Rakshak Colony is situated at the Vijay Nagar area which comes under the Village Panchayat Limits of Hindalga village of Belagavi. The names of the voters have been divided to different wards, regards to this the residents of the localities set a protest and requested the DC to take actions to put together all the voters to one ward.
The residents of Rakshak Colony belong to the ward no. 10 of Hindalga Village of Belagavi Taluk. The area consisting most of the retired army officials is highly neglected. The colony belongs to ward no. 10 but the names of the voters have been divided to different wards which restrict the development of the area.
With the division of the voters it becomes a fuss as to which administrator we should approach, so please issue the govt. orders to unite the voters to one ward appealed the voters to the Govt. through the DC.