State Water Resources Minister Sri Ramesh Jarkhiholi met the Union Minster of Jala Shakthi Gajendra Singh Shekhawat in his chamber (Minister of Jala Shakthi, New Delhi) along with the ACS,WRD & MD,CNNL where the Additional Secretary of Jala Shakthi Debashree Mukharjee, & Private Secretary to Union Minister Rajnish D Burman were present.
The following issues related to Karnataka were discussed & deliberated by the Minister with the Union Ministry 1.To accord clearance to Gaot’s Leap project from various Directorates in CWC. 2. To notify about the Krishna Water Dispute Tribunal Award in the Gazzette. 3. Kalasa Banduri diversion project – water sharing issue. 4. Declaration of Upper Bhadra Project as a National Project.