
The Belagavi Dist. Hospital to restart OPD Services.


Since the pandemic corona the OPD services at the Belagavi Dist. Hospital was broke down, due to which the poor patients were suffering a lot. Sue the unavailability of the OPD service many patients have lost their lives as well. Now as the level has corona has notably come down the Belagavi Dist. Hospital is making all the arrangements of restarting the OPD services.

The whole world has trembled with the corona and the Belagavi dist. too has gone through the hardship of it. Being a largest dist. of the state the dist. hospital gets numbers of patients daily. At the backgrounds of the spreading pandemic all the other OPD services were stopped and the hospital was turned to a covid-19 center. The hospital had been a target of severe rage at the time of this pandemic and the incident of burning the ambulance of the hospital had too has taken place.

Now as the level of the pandemic has some down some institutes and organizations have appealed the dist. administration as to restart the OPD services.

The dist. administration has finally decided as to keep one block for the covid-19 patients and to use the other wards for the OPD services. Speaking in regards the DC Mahantesh Hiremath said as the number of covid patients has come down all the other OPD services will be started soon at the Dist. Hospital and appealed the public to make use of the opportunities.
