
The decision of the Special Court runs counter to Supreme Court Judgement as also the Constitutional spirit – AICC General Secretary Randeep Surjewala.


With official press release the AICC General Secretary Randeep Surjewala has said “The decision of the Special Court to acquit all the accused in Babri Masjid Demolition Case runs counter to Supreme Court Judgement as also the Constitutional spirit. Supreme Court in its Judgement dated 09th November, 2019 pronounced by Five-Judges clearly held that demolition of Babri Masjid as a clear illegality and “egregious violation of the rule of law”. But the Special Court exonerated all the Accused. It is clear that the decision of the Special Court runs counter to the decision of the Supreme Court of India.”

He further added as “Entire Country witnessed a deep-rooted political conspiracy by BJP-RSS and its leaders to destroy the country’s communal amity and brotherhood for usurping power at any cost. The then BJP Government of Uttar Pradesh was a co-conspirator in the designed attack on India’s Constitutional ethos. So much so that Supreme Court was misled by filing a wrong Affidavit on oath. It is only after detailed examination of all these aspects, facts and evidence that Supreme Court held the demolition of Masjid to be “an egregious violation of the rule of law”. Every Indian, who has innate faith in the Constitution as also in the spirit of Communal amity and brotherhood, expects and urges the Central and State Governments to file an Appeal, against the decision of the Special Court founded in error and follow the letter of the law and the Constitution, without any partiality and pre-meditated prejudice. This is the true calling of rule of law and our Constitution.”

He further regarded to the Extract of the 5 Judges Supreme Court Judgement dated 09th  November, 2019 and quoted as “On 6 December 1992, the structure of the mosque was brought down and the mosque was destroyed. The destruction of the mosque took place in breach of the order of status quo and an assurance given to this Court. The destruction of the mosque and the obliteration of the Islamic structure was an egregious violation of the rule of law, the Constitution postulates the equality of all faiths. Tolerance and mutual co-existence nourish the secular commitment of our nation and its people. ”

And at last he said Still, the Special Court found no one guilty.
