
Two Girls Refused to Take Out Hijab, Left Back Without Attending the Examination


Two girls who had been to write the IInd PUC examination by wearing Hijab (head scarf) were not allowed to enter inside the examination center, for which they left back without attending the examination. The girls were denied to take out the hijabs.

Refused to obey the court order, six Muslim girls from Udupi remained absent for the examination as they didn’t collected the hall tickets.

While, other Muslim girls took out their hijabs and entered the examination centers.

A total 6,84,255 students – both freshers and repeaters – enrolled for the examination. The PU Board has arrenged 1074 centers for the examination.

As many as 51,853 students registered for the examination in Belagavi district. The board has made 90 centers for the examination

The examination will held till May 18.
