
It is due to the fights of the Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj that we are alive: Pramod Mutalik


It isn’t for the development of the Marathi Language that the Maratha Development Authority has been established said founder of RSS Pramod Mutalik.

Speaking to the medias at Hukkeri he said there are 10 Lakh Marathas in Karnataka and there language is Kannada and I welcome the authority that has been established for their development.

Though Shivaji Maharaj was Maratha he hasn’t fought for particular state or language, he has fought for Hindutva (Hinduism) and Hindu Nation and I welcome the authority that has been established for the development of such.

The call given for Karnataka Bandh should be taken back we aren’t supporting it, some 4-5 Kannada pro organizations are opposing the authority and the Kannada people themselves are against such. It is because of Shivaji Maharaj that we are alive or else we could have been speaking Urdu and that is why the RSS won’t be supporting the Karnataka Bandh.
