While some major developments are taking place in the case of Sandalwood Drugs Mafia two policemen have been suspended. M R Mudavi ACP of CCB Women Protection Wing and Mallikarjun a Head Constable have been suspended on the confirmation of leaking information regarding the investigations to the assistants of the actresses for huge monetary deal.
An internal inquiry was held by the Joint Commissioner of Police Sandeep Patil on the suspicions of the information being leaked by the inquiry it was confirmed as two policemen were helping the accused by leaking the information related to the investigation.
After the internal inquiry the reports were sent to the Benagaluru City Police Commissioner Kamal Panth recommending the suspension of the two police officials. According to the reports of Sandeep Patil the officials have been suspended.
Totally the drug racket in the Sandalwood doesn’t seem to resolving soon as the web has not just spread but is still catching the loop holes to survive.