Bengaluru, Dec. 10:
Former CM S.Nijalingappa laid the strong foundation for the administration and started giving pro-people governance in the State, said Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.
Speaking to reporters after garlanding the statue of Nijalingappa on his birth anniversary here on Saturday, he termed Nijalingappa as soon of Kannada Naadu who dedicated his entire life for Kannada, Kannada language and to make Karnataka. He practiced value-based politics and he had influence all over the country. Nijalingappa served as member for the Constitution formation committee as well as president of All India Congress Committee anf remained in the central politics for many years. Administrative reforms was given importance at the time when the country was experiencing democracy. During those.days he gave pro-people and people participation governance.
Honest politician
Bommai said Nijalingappa served the state with honesty and stressed on irrigation. The present projects in Cauvery and Krishna Basin were his creation and action plans. Through thisbhe has made rich contribution to the State. He did value-based politics. If he had minded, he could have become President and but didi not agree for it. He never went behind power. Former CM S.R.Bommai asked him to come and settle in Bengaluru but he politely refused
Former minister Leeladevi R Prasad and Border Area Development Authority chairman Dr. C.Somashekar and others were present.