Anganwadi (nursery schools) is the first school of the child’s life. The initial education begins from the anganwadi itself, yet the problems of the anganwadi centers not having proper residence any allotting the place for them are being heard. The special news about this is being heard as in the dist. of the minister itself the anganwadi centers not havin proper condtructions.
Chikkodi, known as the educational dist. is the native of Women and Child Welfare Dept. Shashikala Jolle which has total 468 anagnwadi centers in which 238 centers have the own constructions and 25 centers are at Panchayat areas, 30 at the areas of some unions, 1 at Yuvak Mandal area, 2 at Mahila Mandal area, and 42 are working at the govt. schools and the other 130 centers are relaying on the rental houses.
The future of the kids starts from anganwadi, and those are many problems including the lack of basic needs. Likewise Chikkodi the many talukas of the state are facing such problems.
The Panchyat member Manik Kambar spoke by the time and said the problems are being faced since many years. Even though the 07 lakhs have been sanctioned for the work the constructions have not been completed. The officials are lacking back in showing the essential concern to the issue. He appealed the officials to look after the issue and resolve the problem soon possible.