
Five Held on Nippani Youth Murder Case


Belagavi : Just in three days, the Nippani police solved the murder case of Abhishek Dttawade by arresting all the five accused. Three among them were underaged who have been remanded to Juvenile Crnters and rest two to Judicial Custody.

The five ganged up and hacked to death Abhishek at his house at Nirale galli at around 1am on Sunday. Abhishek’s murder was said to be a revenge as he allegedly beat one of the underaged last month.

The gang borne on two bike made Abhishek to open the door and soon opened they attacked on him with the iron made weapons, killing him on the spot.Hailed from Kolhapur in Maharashtra, Abhishek was staying at a rented house with his mother and was working in a movie theatre in Nippani. He had gone home in the night after the last show was over.The Nippani Town police investigated the case.
