
Massive operation by the Hukkeri Police 13 bikes detained and two accusers sent behind the bars.


The two accusers that used to steal bikes and the spare parts of the bikes and sell them at low prices have been arrested by the Hukkeri Police. The cops have detained 13 bikes worth 6.24 Lakhs. Two accusers have been brought to the justice and a search operation for the main accuser that has escaped for now has started by the police.

The CPI Gururaj Kalyanshetti that recently had held a biker travelling in a bike without number plate and had instructed the PSI Shivanand Gudagnatti to investigate the matter properly. The team led the PSI when undertook two namely Dawood Khudasab Sakarwas of Chimmud of Jamkhandi and Mahesh Basappa Magdum of Savalagi and probed them the matter of bike theft has come into light.

The officers have produced the accusers to the court and have spread their hands in search of the main accuser.
