
Strapping operation by Vijaypur Police – 2 arrested and marijuana costing 14 lakhs detained.


The operation of marijuana free dist of Vijaypur Police has continued, it doesn’t seem the officers will blink their eyes till they make the marijuana completely vanished by the dist.

With the successfulness of many operations the Police today again have caught 2 accusers who grew marijuana at their yards at Karjol village of Bableshwar taluk of Vijaypur. The marijuana of 14 lakhs weighing 14.48 kg has been detained by them.

With the firm news the officers with the lead of Rural PSI M K Dyammannavar raided the yards and have arrested two accusers named Chandrashekhar Vithal Halijol and Mutappa Mudakappa Halijol the accusers are under the custody and the has been registered at Bableshwar Police Station.
