
Thieves Uses to Come Bengaluru in Plane for Burglary


The Hyderabad based three-member thieves gang which burgled 12 houses at Bengaluru was nabbed on Monday. The speciality of the gang was it used to come Bengaluru in plane, completes its work and return to Hyderabad in another plane.

Salim alias Shoky Salim Shaikh, Bilal Mandal and Jalik were the burglers from whom the Basavanagudi police recovered 3.3kg gold ornament and 18kg silver ornament which they stolen from 12 houses in five years. The cost of the recovered ornaments was Rs 1.60 crore.

The gang had told people at Hyderabad that they used to do business at Bengaluru and used to sale the stolen ornaments at Hyderabad.

Salim alias Shoky Salim was earlier arrested by Mumbai police and the entire gang was arrested by Karnataka police for the first-time.
